Welcome to our second Tall Guy Spotlight! We opened it up to you, our customers because we know you are worth featuring! First up, is Jarad – keep reading to hear how he and his wife made ESPN’s NOT Top Ten 😂
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Name: Jarad Houston
Height: 7’1″
Weight: 245
TallSlim Tee Size:
Favorite TallSlim Product:
50/50 Short Sleeve Tee any color
What do you do for work?:
I sell industrial motor controls. Yes, the most boring thing ever but I can work from home and spend time with my wife and kiddos so I am very lucky.
What kind of car do you drive?:
Volkswagen Atlas. Traditionally I have driven Nissan Maximas and Pathfinders but the legroom in the VW Atlas is incredible. 40″ inseam and plenty of room.
What do you like most about being tall?:
I can do most tasks easier than the average person. Anything from painting rooms, lifting large and heavy items, to grabbing jars of jelly off the top shelves at grocery stores for old ladies!
What do you hate most about being tall?:
I can do most tasks easier than the average person. Both a blessing and a curse because I am on the hook for helping people out because, and I quote, “it’s just easier for you!”
How tall is your tallest friend?:
Currently my tallest friend is only 6’2″ but I have roamed amongst the trees in the forest when I was younger and played college basketball. We had the “All Airport” team with two seven-footers and a couple of six-ten guys.
If you could change your height, would you? Why or why not?:
When I was younger I absolutely would have changed it as I was very insecure about my height. But once I hit my late teens/early 20’s I learned to embrace and use my height to my advantage. But I would change doorways. Those are lethal.
What is the most difficult piece of clothing to find for yourself?:
Long sleeve shirts. I have gorilla arms (wingspan is 89 inches) so my wrists get rather chilly come winter time.
What is your favorite piece of clothing that you have?:
Shoes. I love shoes and have some crazy looking ones. When I was younger there were not many options for size 16 shoes (read: Large white Reeboks) but now I have a store that has everything in my size.
What is an interesting fact about yourself?:
Back in 2010 my wife and I made ESPN’s NOT Top Ten as we competed in the North American Wife Carrying Competition. With about ten yards to go my legs completely gave out and my wife went flying.

Any advice for your fellow tall man?:
Stand up tall (unless you are walking through a doorway) and be proud. You can change almost anything about yourself except your height. We tall blokes hit the gene lottery so enjoy it!