Tall Athlete Profile: Kyle Paulson

Tall Athlete Profile: Kyle Paulson

Kyle Paulson plays beach volleyball and even represented the US National Team in a recent U23 tournament. Read more about our new athlete ambassador here...

Our latest tall athlete ambassador, Kyle Paulson, plays beach volleyball and played for the US National Team during a U23 tournament this last December... Read more about Kyle below!

Name: Kyle Paulson

Height: 6’7"

The Sport You Play: Basketball

TallSlim Tees Size: L

Who do you play basketball for?

USC Men’s Volleyball.

What is your greatest athletic achievement?

I was given the opportunity to play beach volleyball for the USA U23 National Team in the Dominican Republic during December 2023. This was my first beach tournament and we placed fourth.

Kyle Paulson Playing Volleyball

Share a weird/funny fact about yourself!

I am double jointed in both of my shoulders.

Have you ever been given a "tall nickname" before?

Stretch, sticks, and tree are a few of the tall nicknames I have been given.

What’s your favorite sport to play just for fun?

My favorite sport to play is volleyball. Doesn’t matter if it’s indoor, grass or beach.

Kyle Paulson Playing Volleyball

What's your favorite thing about being tall?

My favorite thing about being tall is being able to see over people and objects. This helps a lot in big crowds.

What is your favorite thing to wear as a tall slim guy? 

My favorite thing to wear as a tall slim guy is casual athletic shorts. The TallSlim Tees Everyday Short is exactly what I look for in a pair of shorts. 

Share your best advice or encouragement to fellow athletes:

Don't be afraid to make mistakes. The best thing you can do as an athlete is make mistakes because you learn what does and doesn't work for you.

Kyle - thanks for repping TallSlim Tees and playing volleyball like a boss!

Before you leave, make sure to check out a few of our athletic favorites - trust me, you don't want to miss out on these...

Tall Guy Wearing Tall Hoodie

^^ The tall man's best friend? A hoodie that actually fits. Try out our new Midweight Pullover Hoodie for ultimate comfort & warmth. Order here!

Tall Guy Wearing Tall Athletic Shorts

^^ Our new Pro-Performance Tees are finally tailored to your build & perfect for hitting the gym in style. Feel comfortable and confident when you work out - order here!


Tall Man Wearing Tall Everyday Shorts

^^ Ditch the booty shorts and opt for ones that actually fit. Our Tall Everyday Shorts are comfortable, flattering, and tailored for you - order here!