How to Look Taller

How to Look Taller

If you are trying to make yourself look taller, you don’t need to dress up like a clown! All you need to know is a few simple tricks.

Short guys and tall guys have reasons to look taller. If you are short you might want to appear taller to gain some confidence, if you are tall you might want to seem taller to get recruited on the court. We know that the taller you are the more confidence you have and we also know that height has a huge factor in sports recruitment, but how do we get taller without surgery?

The human eye is a strange little organ, it sends messages to our brain that aren’t always as they appear. For example, have you ever looked at optical illusions? There are ways to trick the eyes/brain into seeing things differently from how they truly are.

The trick is knowing how to do it. Scientists have shown us a few ways to trick the eye. One of those ways by vertical and horizontal lines. If you wear a horizontally striped shirt you will seem wider(fatter) and if you wear a vertically striped shirt you will seem longer(taller). This is because our eyes follow lines whether we like it or not. If you are wanting to appear taller a great trick is to wear fitted shirts with vertical patterns.