7 Proven Tips to Help You *Actually* Accomplish Your New Years Resolutions

7 Proven Tips to Help You *Actually* Accomplish Your New Years Resolutions

It's Quitter's Day, but don't throw in the towel just yet. Here are our 7 best tips for sticking it out - including how to stop setting New Year Resolutions to begin with...

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Today is Quitter's Day - maybe you've heard. They say only 8% of optimistic resolution-makers last beyond February. And get this: Strava shared that 80% of their goal-setters quit their resolutions by the second Friday in January - hence, Quitter's Day.

We figured there's no better time to talk about resilience and longevity than today.

So don't throw in the towel just yet. Give this blog a read and you might find your second wind to finally hit your goals this year...

Tip 1: Set SMART Goals

A SMART goal is Specific (S), Measurable (M), Achievable (A), Relevant (R), and Time-Bound (T).

If your goal doesn't have these 5 elements, it's almost sure to fail. It might feel like a hassle to think through your goals, but you're far more likely to succeed if you do.

For example, which goals sounds better? "My goal is to write a book this year" or "I'm going to write a YA fantasy novel this year that's at least 70,000 words because I love writing and reading that genre. I'm going to have a final draft ready by next Christmas, and I'm going to do that by writing every morning 6:30-7:30am." It really is true: fail to plan, and you plan to fail.

Tip 2: Excel at 1 Thing

This is my yearly downfall: setting too many goals at once. Sure, your aspirations to workout every morning, fix your diet, read 50 books in a year, and take the wife on a weekly date night are honorable. But are they doable?

It's better to excel at one thing than to be mediocre (or failing) at 5. Instead of setting high goals and failing by Quitter's Day, pick one goal to really focus on this year. If it feels hard to zone in on just one, all the more reason to try. Trust me, by next December you'll be glad to say you stuck with one of your goals rather than failing at them all.

Tall Man Wearing Tall Athletic Quarter Zip

Tip 3: Consistent Accountability

We're all idiots from time to time, and motivation is not our strong suit. That's where a team is stronger than an individual.

Be intentional about who you choose to keep you accountable. You don't want to pick someone who loses motivation as soon as you do, or uses your laziness to justify their own. You need someone who lifts you up when you're down, and who cheers you on when you succeed. On the flip side, try to be someone who can provide good accountability to others as well.

It's also important to set expectations for accountability beforehand. Meet up once a week to check in on your progress. Spend one day a week hitting the goal with that person - like working out together.

Tip 4: Baby Steps

If you want to see big growth, focus on improving just 1% each day. Baby steps don't feel significant on the day to day, but at the end of the year they add up.

Be realistic with yourself: you might want to get to the point where you fit in an hour workout every morning. But if you've tried that in the past and quickly failed, don't set yourself up for failure again. Pull it back, let go of the shame, and start with a 20 minute workout instead. Once you master that, then you can graduate to 30 minutes. So on and so forth.

Tip 5: Check Your Motivation

Your motivation behind your goal has so much to do with whether you'll succeed. And it's different for each person. But you'll feel it deep down when you're setting a goal for the wrong reasons.

For example, I used to set workout goals so I'd look toned by summer. Essentially, I didn't like how I looked and I wanted to change that. Pretty quickly though, because my motivation came from a guilty place, working out just reminded me even more that I didn't love how I looked. So I avoided it. The next year, I focused on working out to be healthy and take care of my body. And woah there was a difference! I didn't feel guilty anymore, and I went a lot farther.

Tall Guy Wearing Tall Athletic Quarter Zip

Tip 6: Roll with the Punches

Another big pitfall for resolutions is the perfect standard. So often I think "if I miss one day of doing ______, I might as well give up." That is not the case!

You won't hit your goal every day. Give yourself grace and pick it up tomorrow. Don't use one mistake to justify giving up.

Another important element to hitting your goals is being flexible. Maybe you find practicing both piano and your cooking skills every day is too much. Switch to every other day - Monday is piano day, Tuesday is cooking, Wednesday you're back to piano, and so forth.

The likelihood of you setting the perfect goal on day one is slim, so roll with the punches to make big changes.

Tip 7: Stop Setting New Year Resolutions

Have you noticed? It's the same cycle every year. You set a goal in January, a goal that makes you feel good about the year ahead. You catch a stride, find some motivation. But then life hits you, and it's cold outside, and work is busy, and there's so much to do.

The guilt piles up, and pretty soon even thinking about your goal makes you feel like you swallowed an avocado pit. Time moves on, and the guilt fades. You put on the weight. Or you make excuses. Or you avoid the subject entirely. Finally, the holidays come, your favorite excuse. "After the holidays," you promise, "it's just really crazy right now." And you feel fine about it because everyone knows, "the holidays are crazy."

The cycle repeats. And a lifetime later you realize New Year Resolutions are a load of crap.

Setting goals every year is great - and it makes sense that the turn of a new year would be the best time to do it. But stop and ask yourself what your end goal is. Are you hoping to repeat this cycle next year? Or are you hoping to set a new lifestyle, a new routine you never abandon?

There is no end date to a lifestyle goal. Want to get fit? The work doesn't end on Decemeber 31st. Want to learn guitar? Practice stretches on for a lifetime. Want to strengthen your marriage? Til death do you part - not til 2026.

The point is, before you set your goal, abandon the idea that you'll cross a finish line. Instead, picture the lifestyle you want, and work toward that life.

Bonus Tip: Equip for Success

No pirate sets sail without their trusty cutlass and treasure map. And no tall guy should set their goals without dressing for the part.

We just launched our new Athletic Drop, and if you have a fitness goal this year, you don't want to miss out. A bit part of successfully working out has to do with confidence - and if you feel good you'll push yourself harder and go farther. Wearing our new Athletic Polo or Athletic Quarter Zip, you'll feel confident and comfortable while you crush your goals. Check them out here:

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